Staffpoint – the Ultimate Staffing System

Staffpoint for Guest and Food Services

Running a food business is hard work! You’re constantly putting out fires throughout the day while working with tight margins. Let Staffpoint take your workplace scheduling and staff management hassles off your plate.

  • Let staff pick the shifts they want while making sure they are qualified to work that job
  • Staffpoint can call, text and email your staff to fill shifts, so you can focus on other things
  • Swap in staff from different stations or even from different locations with ease

Put up your schedule, let your team pick, schedule full. Easy.

As a manager, you’re scheduling anywhere from 3 weeks, maybe even a month, in advance, and you’ll consider yourself lucky if nothing changes the day before. 

With Staffpoint, you can schedule your full-time team for the entire year (and beyond) using our recurring scheduling feature, and with our dynamic interface, see openings and gaps in the work schedule that you can plan ahead for. 

If you need someone with Smart Serve for a specific shift, you can set certain qualifications so that only qualified and trained staff can work those shifts. 

See the gaps that need to be filled, including the total number of employees needed on any given day. Your team can book themselves in or make allowed trades without having to pull your management away. 

Let Staffpoint do the talking

Sick days, vacation days, and unexpected absences all happen. Instead of taking away your own time to find a replacement, let Staffpoint work for you. 

Staffpoint makes filling a shift easy with it’s ability to automatically contact all of your qualified available staff by phone, text or email. With our staff scheduling app for iOS and Android, users will also receive direct notifications when a shift becomes available or if changes are made to their existing shift. 

With Staffpoint, you can easily search for available and qualified staff by using filters to find the right fit. Do you offer a bonus for picking up last minute shifts? No problem, our easy customizable dynamic pay system is built to support your payroll. 

We keep track, so you don’t have to. Our dispatch interface will show you the method in which your staff has been contacted and those who have declined.  

Mix it up.

Working together lightens the load and Staffpoint is designed to do just that. Share skilled and trained staff between multiple locations instead of hiring more.

Staffpoint makes this easy with it’s dynamic interface and pre-set filters. Did you just hire someone new and you don’t want them working at another location yet? No problem, you have complete control on what your staff has access to seeing, from locations, types of shifts and more. 

Slow at one location but busy at another? Give your idling staff the option to see what’s available using our staff scheduling system and keep them from leaving your restaurant entirely. 

Make the most of what you have without having to hire more. Staffpoint can help you share trained staff across multiple locations. 

Plays well with others

Import or export data between the world’s leading software systems.

Hiring problem? It's actually a scheduling problem.

Constantly looking for new candidates is not the answer. You have qualified staff, you just need to make use of their skills!

Recruiter throwing out paper resumes.

Staffpoint helps you optimize your workforce. Here’s how:

  • Suggests the least scheduled staff for open assignments.
  • Reminds staff to update their availability for more hours.
  • Enables staff to work multiple role types.
  • Empowers staff to manage their schedule from anywhere.