Staffpoint – the Ultimate Staffing System

Versions & Pricing

Get the power, control, and customization you need to manage your organization’s staff and schedules.

Starting small, but ready to grow

$84 CAD

Starting price, billed monthly, per organization

For smaller teams that want to free themselves from post-it notes, spreadsheets, and the back-wall schedule.

Next-level scheduling and staffing

$183 CAD

Starting price, billed monthly, per organization

For larger teams and advanced small businesses that need extra automation to manage their staff with confidence.

Full-fledged staffing automation

$285 CAD

Starting price, billed monthly, per organization

For experienced teams that need full automation and integration with other payroll, HR and billing apps.

Customized plans for large orgs

Call Us

Starting price, billed monthly, per organization

Starting price, billed monthly, per organization

For smaller teams that want to free themselves from post-it notes, spreadsheets, and the back-wall schedule.

Account & Users Starter Professional Pro Plus Enterprise
Number of Administrator Users





Active Personnel roster limit





Multi-factor Authentication

Secure Sign On (SSO)

Scheduling Features Starter Professional Pro Plus Enterprise
Easy to use, color-coded interface
1-click staffing search engine
Automatic phone, email,
and SMS dispatching

Email Dispatch

+ Phone Dispatch

+ Mobile Push

Personnel ranking
On-the-fly requirements
Declined assignments tracking
Cancellation rules workflow
Scheduling rules workflow
File attachments
Advanced Calendar
filtering & views
Copy and paste assignments
Easy recurring scheduling
Proactive scheduling
Assignment limit workflow
Mobile Access for Clients,
Personnel, and You
Staffing Features Starter Professional Pro Plus Enterprise
Qualifications tracking and automation
Staff availability
Entitlement budgeting
Multi-role assignment
Rules for overtime and
Holiday Pay
Exclusion rules
Automatic over time and
holiday pay calculations
Break rules automation
Customize Client and
Personnel contact fields
Credential and Document tracking
Applicant Central
Collaboration &
Starter Professional Pro Plus Enterprise
Detailed action and event logs
Notes Management
Assignment creation
collision detection
Email notifications
Telephone notifications
SMS notifications
Telephone central
Personnel Self-service scheduling
Client Portal
Mobile App
Attendance Tracking and
Digital signatures
Integration with various
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
Feature Request Priority
Export data to common file formats


+MS Excel



Pay, Bill, & Track Starter Professional Pro Plus Enterprise
Standard reports
Custom report builder
Advanced KPI reports
Billing and payment rules
and workflow
Export for payroll providers
Export to various
accounting systems
Access rights &
Starter Professional Pro Plus Enterprise
256-bit encryption security
Detailed administrator
access permissions
Day and time access rights
Divisions Management

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