The Staffpoint Spring 2024 Update is here
Spring has sprung, and so has a new Staffpoint Update.
This is a smaller roll-up consisting of some miscellaneous fixes, as well as our new Availability Entitlement feature.
We will be rolling out updates from April 29th to May 9th 2024 and wanted to give you a heads up on what’s going to pop up.
Entitlement Budget Update!

Exciting news is on the horizon! We’re gearing up to unveil our latest update and shining a spotlight on Entitlement budget management. With this forthcoming update, you can have full control over employee leave and time off with customizable time-based budgets. Set limits for the number of days off per entitlement and let Staffpoint keep track. No more worries about workforce availability Stay tuned for a seamless transition to efficiency!
Bug fixes, Improvements, and Optimizations!
We’ve enhanced the following:
- [Reports] Added an indication to the Billing Report for cancelled assignments.
- [Reports] Optimized column spacing in Billing Reports.
- [General] Your system’s payroll start date for OT calculations is now displayed in the System Preferences.
- [Calendar] The system will now save your filter status on the Main Calendar when you navigate away, and restore the view when you come back to it.
- [Calendar] A new function to keep users up-to-date after updates are released.
We’ve corrected the following problems:
- [Availability] Corrected a prompt sometimes not disappearing properly.
- [Calendar] When pasting a checked-in assignment, the system would sometimes get stuck on ‘working…’.
- [Calendar] When pasting an assignment on top of itself, the system would create a double-booked stack.
- [Reports] On occasion, the Print Statements would have misaligned columns.
- [Reports] In certain cases, the Print Statements would not display amounts properly.
- [Calendar] In some date ranges the date picker popup would appear detached from the date picker, or off-screen.
- [Divisions] Re-checked and confirmed fix of some locations being ejected from Divisions upon changing asset names.
- [Report Builder] On systems with Divisions enabled, in some reports the Divisions dropdown picker would appear off screen, preventing Division selection.
We’ve replaced the following:
- Nothing in this update.
Known issues:
*Known issues are non-critical bugs that will be tackled for the next update.*
- [Qualifications] A new Qualifications UI has been partially implemented and will be completed in a future update.
- Minor bug-fixes and performance improvements.
Note: To ensure that you see the most recent version of Staffpoint, please clear your cache and cookies, as some changes made may not work if old data is being stored in your browser. Some features are version dependent.
We're here for you
As always, if you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact You can also get info and help from our Twitter account @Staffpoint_411.