Staffpoint for Healthcare Facilities
Healthcare delivery never stops, regardless of sick days, vacations, and unexpected absences. Filling open shifts in today’s staff-shortage environment is a major challenge. Staffpoint gives you every advantage.
- Manage your facility’s shift scheduling and ensure everyone gets work while staying on budget
- Easily keep track of overtime and those who can take on more hours
- Set custom priorities for every specialized department need
Healthcare teamwork like everyone imagined was possible.
Technology in healthcare is constantly improving, but the way we utilize our precious healthcare workers hasn’t changed much since the time of Florence Nightingale.
Different floors and departments work as their own islands, not aware of available resources next door. Staffpoint’s tools will let teams build their internal schedules to make sure everyone gets enough work, easily share staff with other teams all while ensuring only those that are qualified, and that are the right fit, can help.

Let managers set up their department or unit schedules. At a glance they can see coverage, disciplines assigned and total hours and needs. Staffpoint’s staff scheduling tools can then help fill any holes.
Find the right person, right away.
Staffpoint’s intelligent suggestion system helps you ensure that the right people are selected for the shift. You can easily set qualification requirements and even supervisor staff preferences. Staffpoint will take your custom filters into consideration and offer you a list of personnel fit for the job.
From experience level to distance from work location, you can tell Staffpoint what qualities are important to you. With priorities set, anyone on your team can create the work schedule just the way you would.

When you’re short staffed making due is not an option. Your staff is overworked and you are paying overtime when you could easily find qualified and available replacements.
Plays well with others
Import or export data between the world’s leading software systems.

Hiring problem? It's actually a scheduling problem.
Constantly looking for new candidates is not the answer. You have qualified staff, you just need to make use of their skills!

Staffpoint helps you optimize your workforce. Here’s how:
- Suggests the least scheduled staff for open assignments.
- Reminds staff to update their availability for more hours.
- Enables staff to work multiple role types.
- Empowers staff to manage their schedule from anywhere.