Staffpoint Support
Stuck and need some help? Choose from any of the options below:
Help Guide
Not sure how to perform a certain function? Check our online help guide.
Live Chat
Start a live chat with one of our product specialists and get your problem solved right away. Just click on the ‘Chat’ box in the lower right corner to get started.
Schedule a Live Training Seminar
Sign up for one of our regularly scheduled training webinars and get live training online.
Send a Support Ticket
Have a specific issue? Send a support ticket and one of our product support specialists will follow up with a solution.
While we recommend email, sometimes it’s easier to speak to someone. Click on this option to schedule a call-back with one of our support specialists.
Hiring problem? It's actually a scheduling problem.
Constantly looking for new candidates is not the answer. You have qualified staff, you just need to make use of their skills!

Staffpoint helps you optimize your workforce. Here’s how:
- Suggests the least scheduled staff for open assignments.
- Reminds staff to update their availability for more hours.
- Enables staff to work multiple role types.
- Empowers staff to manage their schedule from anywhere.